Wagga Wagga Beach
On the southern bank of the Murrumbidgee, just a five minute walk from the city centre, is Wagga Wagga Beach. The river and more specifically Wagga Wagga Beach have a strong association with the City’s history. Explorer Charles Sturt disembarked at the site on
5th Dec 1829 during his expedition to determine if Australia had an “inland sea”. It’s now a perfect location for a picnic with its undercover seating and free BBQ area.
Today, rather than sleeping on the beach beneath up-turned longboats as Sturt and his men did, modern explorers of Wagga Wagga will be pleased to discover an exceptionally well appointed caravan park with cabins is now beautifully positioned to take advantage of the great Murrumbidgee views on offer.
You will still see monuments to days gone by – the Wagga Wagga Beach Life Saving Club was started in 1927 and disbanded in 1971 and throughout its long, proud history, not a single person drowned. The Club was at its strongest during the 30s and it was the ambition of many teenage boys to join the Club during this period and there was a long waiting list to be a part of it.

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