Mission: 1
RTB is to develop and implement high quality training in order to generate Australian Soldiers to the required standard, in preparation for their next phase of training.
Moving through the Tabs (The stages of training), toward the March Out Parade.

Red Tabs
"Welcome to the 1st Recruit Training Battalion. Today marks the commencement of your careers in the Australian Army. Since 1951, soldiers have successfully completed recruit training here at Kapooka and they, like you, were feeling nervous, excited, and perhaps even wondering if they had made the correct decision to join the Army."
This excerpt is part of the welcoming address all recruits receive upon arriving at the 1st Recruit Training Battalion and signifies the beginning of a routine, built on discipline and teamwork.

A typical day within barracks begins at 6:00 am and continues through to 10:00 pm. In rapid succession, new recruits are introduced to physical training, lectures, drill and weapon training under the constant guidance and mentoring of their platoon staff.
Each week has a theme. These themes introduce the concepts of courage, respect, integrity, and excellence to the recruits, who are then given the opportunity to employ them, thanks to activities such as the High Wire Confidence Course and potentially Flying Fox. These activities push even the most daring recruits outside of their comfort zone and assists in the building of their resilience and the continued development of their teamwork.
The recruits then commence their suite of weapons range practices, with an introduction to firing at the indoor Weapons Training Simulation System (WTSS), this is followed up and confirmed by firing live rounds during the application of their marksmanship principles confirmed by consequent range practices. All range practices consist of one-on-one marksmanship coaching by platoon staff in all weather conditions.
Week 3 marks the transition from red tabs to blue tabs, which means the recruits have additional privileges and responsibilities.

Blue Tabs
Life as a blue tab recruit represents their transition from 'I' and 'me' to 'us' and 'we'; the first step towards the team. By Week 4, recruits understand that their collective strength lies in teamwork and loyalty. Theme weeks in blue tabs further expose the recruits to the concepts of physical and moral courage, compassion and honesty and dedication to duty.
Weeks 4 to 7 build upon the skills and drills learnt during the 'red tab' phase, with the inclusion of more advanced physical training, training on the F89 Light Support Weapon (LSW) and the conclusion of the F88 Austeyr range practices. The intensity of training changes as the recruits undertake a week of robust medical training, as well as learning how to navigate by day and night, through difficult terrain.

The visit to an Australian War Museum is very often a moving experience for the recruits, as they realise they will soon be the custodians of the traditions of the ANZACs. A notable change is observed in the recruits at the conclusion of their visit to an Australian War Museum, which more often than not, provides a resounding confirmation of their choice to become an Australian Soldier.
Blue tabs is culminated with the renowned 'Bayo Day' (Bayonet Assault Training), where recruits engage in controlled, aggressive manoeuvres against static and falling targets amongst a background of battle field simulation effects.
'Bayo Day' marks the transition from blue tabs to gold tabs, which means the recruits have advanced to the final stage of training.

Gold Tabs
Week 8 of 'gold tabs' commences with the Basic Fitness Assessment (Diagnostic), comprising of push ups, sit ups and a timed 2.4km run in which the recruits must achieve their best possible standard.
Next is the 'Exercise First Try', which is the initial field phase which provides the recruits with an introduction to operating in the field environment. Lessons ranging from camouflage and concealment to communicating with field signals provide the recruits with the basic skills to attempt offensive and defensive tasks as part of a section sized force.
The recruits also participate in a grenade range practice, which introduces them to the throwing techniques required to effectively neutralise threats. Rounding out the week prior to their second and third field phases is their formative and summative navigation assessments.

The recruits then commence 'Exercise Combatant', which consolidates and builds on skills taught during the previous introduction to the field phase. 'Exercise Combatant' provides the recruits with the experience of operating as part of a section sized force in the field environment, with role-players enhancing the activity by acting as the enemy. This is a demanding activity which includes fighting patrols, building defensive obstacles and conducting section attacks, and despite their fatigue, their camaraderie is plain to see.
The culminating activity of their field phase is 'Exercise Tobruk', which is designed to be an arduous progression through multiple stands which may include; a pack march, section attack, providing medical care to a wounded enemy, movement through an Obstacle Course, stretcher carry, an observation lane and a battle lane.

March Out
Last but not least, is 'march out week' where the recruits discover the finer details of forms and advancing in review order, as they perfect their drill on the Battalion Parade Ground. The week is often frenzied, as their equipment, rooms and lines require constant cleaning and inspections in anticipation for the Commanding Officer of the Battalion's final inspection.
As 'march out day' arrives, the recruits put forward a stirring demonstration of their dress, bearing and drill, as their families watch on during the parade. To the surprise of all families once reunited with their new Australian Soldier, is the individual that departed for recruit training 63 days ago, now walks taller, looks fitter and perhaps the most rewarding of all; has proved themselves a worthy recipient of the treasured ceremonial "slouch hat" bearing the Rising Sun, a soldier's badge of honour.