Graduating Soldiers

Families and friends of recruits are invited to attend the March Out Parade at the Army Recruit Training Centre, Kapooka. March Out Parades are held to acknowledge the completion of the Army Recruit Course (ARC) and the Part Time Recruit Training Course (PRTC).

The March Out day gives family and friends the opportunity to join in celebrating the graduating soldiers’ achievements.

After the buses drop you at the parade ground, you are free to choose your own seating within the two large sheltered seating areas. Escorts and guides will be located around the parade ground to assist visitors.

The parade will generally take 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of platoons marching out.

Australian Army Dress Uniform

For the family and friends who watch your loved ones march out, be proud of their achievements. They have come a long way in a short amount of time. The transformation is remarkable. Thank you for supporting them through their training. Your assistance has enabled them to become an Australian soldier.

Enjoy your stay in Wagga Wagga, and be proud of your sons, daughters, husbands, wives and friends who will soon march out from the Army’s premier training institution and join the ranks of the Australian Army.


Special needs

Visitors intending to come to the March Out Parade with special needs are requested to discuss their specific requirements with the respective Company Second in Command. Contact details will be made available to the recruit in the preceding weeks prior to the March Out.


There are no Leave Boundaries after the  March Out Parade

There are NO geographic restrictions on the soldiers on the evening following March Out or on Saturday. You may stay in any motel anywhere within Wagga and the nearby district – recruits are permitted to visit any of these motels.

Families and recruits are free to eat, drink and socialise anywhere within Wagga and the nearby district – they are NOT restricted to the CBD.


March Out Parade Cancellations and Postponements

In some circumstances soldiers progression through training can be delayed, for example, soldiers are occasionally injured and require a break in training for rehabilitation. If a soldier is delayed in training they will be unable to March Out with their original Platoon on their original March Out date. For this reason all visitors are strongly encouraged to purchase deferrable and/or refundable travel tickets and accommodation bookings; to take out travel insurance; or to make other suitable arrangements to protect against loss or expense arising from such eventualities.

Whilst every effort is made to notify visitors as soon as possible, the Commonwealth is not responsible and accepts no liability for any loss suffered or expense incurred arising from such eventualities.

March Out Parade Timetable

View the timetable for the March Out Parade specific to the course.

March Out Parade Completion

After the parade, there will be an opportunity for families to meet with their recruits at the side of the Parade Ground.

There is no cover in this area, however, tea and coffee will be made available. After 20 - 30 minutes recruits will be formed up and returned to their barracks.  At this time families will reboard the buses and will be taken back to the car park for departure.

The number of guests at the March Out parade varies from 200 to over 600. Therefore the process of moving from the parade ground to the car park via buses can take time. You may wish to bring items such as an umbrella, we recommend that you dress according to the prevailing weather conditions.

The recruits will be bused to the Wagga train station arriving at approximately between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm

After the ARC March Out

A bus will transport all recruits from Kapooka to the Wagga Wagga train station. The return bus will pick the recruits up who are unable to stay with their family from the Wagga Wagga train station at 8:00 pm and return them to Kapooka.

While on local leave, the soldiers may eat, socialise and shop anywhere within Wagga and the surrounding villages. Therefore you may choose accommodation and restaurants that suit your budget and your family circumstances. The only restriction the soldiers have, apart from maintaining good soldierly conduct, is to return to Kapooka on time.

Soldiers will have the opportunity for leave over the weekend including Friday and potentially Saturday nights, in order to spend the evening with their family. 

Soldiers will not be permitted to take leave on the Sunday after the March Out Parade, as this time is needed to prepare for departing Kapooka on the Monday.

Graduating Soldiers

As an attendee at the March Out Parade, we invite you to explore two of our special, local venues.

Soldiers Chapel

On the Sunday after the March Out, family and friends may attend the church services held at the Soldiers’ Chapel. If you wish to attend, your details need to be provided to the Company Second in Command on the Wednesday prior to the March Out Parade.

The church services begin at 9:00 am and all visitors wishing to attend are required to arrive at the Kapooka front gate by 8:30 am to be transported to the Soldiers’ Chapel by bus (again privately vehicles are permitted to enter by exception). On arrival at the front gate, visitors will be provided with a security brief by duty staff prior to being transported to the Soldiers’ Chapel

Kapooka Historical Collection

The Kapooka Historical Collection is situated opposite the Edmondson, VC Club.

Visitors are welcome to take the opportunity to visit the museum and discover Kapooka’s rich military history when open.